Printing, Zoom and Pulse integration

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Hi there! I am happy to announce a new major release. As you can guess from the title this one is quite exciting. Please read on.

Improved printing support

As promised I worked hard on improving printing support. You can now print both wireframes and storyboards and get a high quality result on paper. Large wireframes are now scaled down to fit on a single page. WireframeSketcher will even choose for you portrait or landscape paper orientation. If you ever wanted to use WireframeSketcher for paper prototyping now is the time!

For best results I recommend that you use the latest stable version of Eclipse. This is especially important on Linux where printing simply won’t work with old versions.


Zoom is another exciting addition in this release. You can now edit wireframes at a zoom level that suits you best.

Zoom actions are available in the toolbar:

Zoom toolbar

From the main menu:

View menu

And you can also use the following keyboard shortcuts:

Ctrl++ Zoom In
Ctrl+- Zoom Out
Ctrl+1 Actual Size
Ctrl+0 Zoom to Fit
Ctrl+MouseWheel Zoom In and Zoom Out

Pulse integration

Genuitec has just announced the release of Pulse 3.0. What is Pulse? Pulse is a product that helps you manage multiple installations of Eclipse-based IDEs. If you find yourself manually replicating the same Eclipse configuration on multiple machines then try Pulse. I think you’ll like it!

With Pulse 3.0 WireframeSketcher is now part of its catalog. This means that you can easily add WireframeSketcher to your profiles and have it installed automatically for you. Since MyEclipse integrates directly with Pulse, for MyEclipse users WireframeSketcher now is just a few clicks away.

Other small changes

  • Added trash icon
  • Fixed new wizard shortcuts in Sketching perspective


As usual to update to the latest version of WireframeSketcher just use the Eclipse update manager.

Merry Christmas to you all!