Is there an ability to add more shapes to the palette? Database shapes and arrows would be very helpful for me.


Currently this is not possible. I have an Image widget in my todo list. The idea is to allow adding your own images to screen mockups. This will work roughly like this:

  • Select and add the image widget from the palette
  • Select an image file from the disk
  • Resize the image widget to fit the desired look

Do you think this would satisfy your need?

This would be a great feature, but would it allow for the user to place text inside the element? Like the button text?

I think adding the basic data flow shapes like squares(objects), diamonds(decisions), cylinders(databases), and arrows that do not necessarily need to anchor or connect shapes but just need to indicate a process flow direction would make a great enhancement.



You could do this by placing a label widget on top of the image widget.

I see how data flow widgets could be useful, but I want to stay away from diagramming features and focus on screen mockups. Otherwise I will be developing another Visio which in itself is a huge product.

I plan, however, to add some stock images like charts. Perhaps I could squeeze in some of the shapes that you need.