Is it possible to include row separators in the table widget? A separator is provided after the first row which contains the column headers. But if you add more rows, there are no separators.


Yes, I have plans to improve the table widget and allow a better control over its appearance. I'll add to the list the possibility to toggle on and off horizontal/vertical lines.

Excellent! Thanks very much. This isgoing to be a very helpful tool. Great job!

Hi Peter,

A convenient capability for placing some other widgets into the table column is very desired. At the monent we can add e.g. checkboxes (in first column) by uncomfortable way - we must add empty column and copy & paste checkboxes into this column for each row in the table.

Is this improvement in the planning too?

Best regards. Oleg.


I am planning to introduce a wiki-like syntax what will be available everywhere you can enter a text. This syntax will support inserting icons using a syntax like this:


Some icons will have convenient shortcuts:

  • [x], [] - selected/unselected checkbox
  • (o), () - selected/unselected radio button
  • [+], [-] - expand/collapse icons (useful for tree table)

What do you think? Does it look like what you need?

Yes, it looks like what we need. Thanks.


Support for icons was added in the latest version. I'd like to hear how it works for you.

The wiki syntax was a very nice addition!

I have a few suggestions:

Provide escape character for "," on table text (I want to be able to write "," inside tables)

Row separators on tables, configurable in text. Example: <pre><code> 1st row - 1st column, 1st row - 2nd column ---,--- 2nd row - 1st column, 2nd row - 2nd column ,--- 3rd row - 1st column, 3rd row - 2nd column </code></pre>

Would generate a table with row separators on full width extension between the 1st and 2nd rows, and another row separator ONLY between the 2nd and 3rd rows 2nd column.

If you're interested I can make a screen showing what I would like.

It's similar to a "rowspan" property, or merging Excel cells.

Don't know if this is clear enough.

Thanks for the great software.

Oh well, my formatting got messed up. Here's another try:

1st row - 1st column, 1st row - 2nd column
2nd row - 1st column, 2nd row - 2nd column
3rd row - 1st column, 3rd row - 2nd column 

It's a bad example in terms of functionality but that's what I have in mind:

alt text