What's the maximun size of a project that I can upload to the Share Online with a Single-User License? I noticed that in the trial version the maximum goes to 20 MB.

Hi Paulo,

Yes, there is a 20Mb upload limit set by our online service. Can you tell me to what size amounts your upload? The upload error dialog doesn't tell you this size, but I've created a development version that does. You can install it from here: http://wireframesketcher.com/staging

OK, I understand the limit.

The current size is 23,6 MB, but I don't finished my project yet.

Hi Paulo,

I'll look into increasing the upload limit. Meantime, consider splitting you stories in multiple storyboards. You might find that separating different functionalities into different stories makes things clearer to your users.


We've increased the upload limit to 30 MB. Please give it a try and see if it's sufficient for what you need.

Peter, thank you for increasing the size limit and yes, was the necessary for upload my project.

I tried to open the online version after upload the new version of the project and it doesn't load; it gets stucked in " Loading storyboard ... ". Can you check to see if there's something related with the project size?


Can you email me the link that you've uploaded so I can check it? Thanks!