Hi Peter,

I am using WireframeSketcher for quite sometime now. And it is going really really great.

A small feature, Every widget if it can have a 'Name' and 'Description' Property, that can do wonders. Currently I am experimenting wireframesketcher not only for screen mockups but also for code generation. (I can post more about this when I leap good)

Above both properties can be awesome to support this.



Can you describe in more details how would you use the Name and Description properties? I have a similar request on my list to add the possibility to specify a value for a generic property like 'data'. Would this work for you? Do you necessarily need two properties?


Thanks for your reply,

There is no hard and fast rules to have both 'Name and 'Description' But what I think is,

Name -A text field - To Just name the wiget Usage: Identify the component when generating code.

Description- A text area - to provide more info. Usage: can be a some text which provide more info for code generation

Ex: Combo Wiget
Name: CustomerSelectCombo
When: OnChange Then: Do something
When:OnClick Then:Do Something

With this it is easy to identify the CustomerSelectCombo else where in the screens.

I can also impose rule saying 'Name' should be unique within the screen or within a story..something like that...

But in case you have already in the way of implementing 'Data' Propery, I can do have some workaround to achive it..

Mahendran, I get the idea and I think it's the same use case. I think over this a bit more and propose a solution. I think an additional 'id' attribute will do what you need. I am keeping 'Name' property for a different functionality that I plan to add later.

Fantastic.. Eagerly looking for the next release :) !

I will hold on my working until I get that!

Thanks Peter ..

First of all. Thanks for this amazing tool. It saves so much time if you have a customer not knowing what he wants to do how.

This tool is definitly a must have eclipse plugin

Now to this feature request: +1 from me. It would be cool if name / description can be printed out to PDF.

Per, thank you for your kind words!

I am not sure how your request is related to this one. This request is actually implemented and will be available in the next version. It adds two properties, customId and customData that can be exploited by code generation tools.

Your request is related to PDF export. Do I understand correctly that you'd like to put the name of the screen in the document header? If yes then lets create a different topic and discuss it there.

Oh sorry. I red it like that: "use a visual editor tool (like properties) to relate some more informations to a component."

What i would like to achieve is that i can avoid adding notes for describing what features a component has to provide or actions have to be executed if component is used. I use the plugin havily for specification. So i feel the desire to add my comments to the component.

If these notes could be printed out under the screenshot in PDF all my requests would be done :-) (Until next one comes into my mind :-)

But this would only be a "nice to have". Through the implemented features this tool is definitly useable for me (my notes solution for spec comments).

Could you do this using Callout widgets? Put a callout near the widget and then put a full-comment somewhere below.