We notice that you support importing SWT windows and dialogs. That is a great feature, and we would like to see the same for swing. Do you have any plan to make that happen?

Kalun, Swing import would be nice but I don't have enough time to do it by myself. What I want to do is to opensource some parts of WireframeSketcher so that others could write such a tool themselves. Please let me know if this interests you. Perhaps you can contribute some code?

I personally do not have time to contribute, but I do think open source part of the code is a great idea.

Hi Kalun,

One of WireframeSketcher users started an open-source project that does Swing import. Here's the project page at Google Code: http://code.google.com/p/swing2mockup/

I hope you can provide some useful feedback to the developer of this project.

Best regards,