
So far I'm impresed with WirefreameSketcher - it has all the features I need except live "linking" from one screen to another (i.e. live-demo type prototype). This isn't a big deal.

What is a big deal is that sometimes, for no apparent reason, the plugin causes eclipse to lose the ability to receive text input from the keyboard. I can still hit keyboard shortcuts and they still do what they're supposed to (i.e. ctrl-s to save, etc), but I can't type into anything - not even regular GUI elements (let alone in the editors)!

I'm using Eclipse Helios (3.6). Is this a known issue?

I've also found an issue where one can't resize the widget palette on the right reliably. It will exhibit some odd behavior with regards to being resized - i.e. drag+drop of the divider won't work (sorta), and afterwards every time the pointer crosses over the divider it still moves ever-so-slightly (i.e. as if it was still being dragged). The only way to "cure" it is to click precisely on the divider - this freezes it into place again.

The more pressing issue is (obviously) the loss of keyboard input. If that can be addressed soon I have no doubt I'll be buying a license.


Hi Diego,

It happens that I saw your forum message just now. Somehow it got caught by the spam filter and I missed it completely. I apologize for not getting in touch with you in time.

I just received a report for the same issue with keyboard here: http://wireframesketcher.com/forum/topic/21443/keyboard_not_working_after_some_time?p1

I am on to it and I hope I can find a solution. I also saw the problem with palette resize but I thought that it's some kind of glitch on my machine. I'll take a deeper look at it.

And just so you know I made a lot of improvements to WireframeSketcher lately including the screen linking support. Hopefully you'll give it another chance.