Hi -

When creating wireframes on a Mac (latest versions of OS X, Eclipse, WFS), then viewing the resulting wireframes (.screen files) on a PC with Windows 7, latest Eclipse and WFS, the fonts appear much larger on the PC, and the layout is incorrect, with objects overlapping each other, etc.

Is there something I can do to have a uniform look across both platforms?

Thanks, Neal

Hi Neal,

Yes, this is a known issue. Since WireframeSketcher defaults to the system font, screens can look different from one platform to another. One solution to this is to configure a different font in WireframeSketcher's preferences and do it on both platforms. This also can be done per screen but global setting is more practical. For example you could try a font like Arial or even Comic Sans if you are after a sketchy look.

I meet this issue regularly when creating reusable components for http://MockupsGallery.net . I use a few techniques to make sure that components look good with different fonts. For example a center-align labels in titles, make buttons a bit larger, etc.

I hope this helps,

Thanks Peter - this should help.