Hi !

I don't know if it has already been asked, but the ability to increase/decrease values like "Pos. & Size" by using up/down key like in Firebug would be great. I know that it's already possible to do this in the editor screen, but I'm talking about the text fields "Pos. & Size" in the property tab.

So when you're in pos x field for example, you hit up key, the value increase by one and the widget position is immediately updated in the editor. And if you keep the up key pressed, the value is continually augmented.

It's a simple thing but really useful I think.

Keep up the good work, I really like WireframeSketcher and the very frequent updates :)

Yes, it has been asked before and I think it's a good idea. I'll see if I can squeeze it in the next update.

And thank you for your kind words! I appreciate it.

I just released an update that implements this. Let me know how it works for you!

It's great ! Thanks :)

And the other changes are also a great welcome.

But it can be even more useful if when we keep the key pressed, the value continue to increase or decrease... :)

By the way, I've discover a little bug in Callout widget : I can't change the color to white. When I choose this color, it's well displayed but not saved. So if I close the file et reopen it, the color is yellow again. But if I choose other color like a light gray, it's well saved. It's a little bug, that's why I didn't open a new topic for that.

Good call on the Callout widget! I'll fix it in the next update.

A new version is out. Among other things it fixes the issue with background color in Callout widget.