
I just installed the standalone version under ubuntu 10.04 amd64. I can work perfectly, but everytime after a couple of minutes my keyboard doesn't work anymore. Mouse functionality is still working perfectly fine, but I cannot text anything. Not even in the file save as menu etc. However when I switch to any other app, my keyboard works perfectly fine (like it does in firefox now).

I already tried to choose a different input methods (it was set to System (IBus)) by default, but this doesn't help.

Does anybody else encounter this really strange behavoir which actually makes it unable for me to really use this otherwise great app? :(


Hi Corin,

It's the first time I see this problem reported. Can you send me your log file using the "Help > Report a Bug..." menu? In case you are using OpenJDK Java perhaps you could try switching to Sun's (now Oracle's) implementation. See this link for more details on how you can do it: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-install-sun-java-runtime-environment-jre-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx.html

Hi Peter!

Thank's for your fast feedback. I'm already using the latest sun java sdk/jre:

ii sun-java6-bin 6.22-0ubuntu1~10.10
ii sun-java6-jdk 6.22-0ubuntu1~10.10
ii sun-java6-jre 6.22-0ubuntu1~10.10

If I can help you anyhow, please let me know.



Thank you for the log file. It's good but unfortunately I don't see anything there related to your problem. I think that the cause might be deeper and I'll try search Eclipse bugs database for hints. I have duplicated your configuration in a VirtualBox machine but for now I can't reproduce the problem. If you spot a reliable way to make it happen then please let me know.


I found this Ubuntu bug that looks like a problem you might be having: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eclipse/+bug/378228

Could you take a look at it? Apparently the problem is caused by scim and im-switch packages both being installed.


I just found an Eclipse bug that might be related to your problem: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=321560. Basically, the keyboard input is lost after trying to resize the palette. So I think if you leave the palette alone you should be fine. I'll see if I can fix this on my side.