Why can not I export to PDF shows the text?

CN text don't show...

“测试” is ""


Normally the PDF export tries to embed the system font into the document. You can check this in document properties. Can you send me your screen and PDF for me check it out?

Ok ,But , How to send it to you?

Just email them to me at: peter at wireframesketcher.com

^_^ , Send Over.

Thanks. I could reproduce the problem and I am looking into it. I'll get back to you as soon as I have something.

Able, I added some checks so that the PDF export falls back to embedding images instead of vector when situation like yours is encountered. You released a development version that you can install from here: http://wireframesketcher.com/staging

This will get you PDF documents that are not as nice as before but they'll be correct. Please let me know how it works for you.

yep . is right . but .. the PDF is images content . i wanna zoom the PDF .... breezing (不清楚,模糊)。 I think ,the PDF fonts is my set . will also have this problem?

Petru, en... I'm write the Project 《Software Process》(or other name,Now no name ) is free project , the project use free php frameworkd 《symfony 》 ... I want to let more people can use the software and better management of projects and control their own project progress, so it'll be free forever. er.... can you give me a license?

Albe, I know this is not ideal. I hope I'll be able to find a better solution but it's a temporary workaround for now.

Vector PDF is created whenever possible. If you use latin characters only you'll get a vector export.

en .. i use uncode sharacters . UTF-8 or UTF-16

^_^! You can do much better!Good luck!