Hi, I have 2.17 installed, don't have Eclypse, working on Windows 7. My question: do I need to uninstall 2.17 and install 2.2 from scratch, or can I install 2.2 on top of 2.17 without a problem?


Hi Jean-Daniel,

Have you tried Help > Check for updates? This should do the trick.

Hi Peter - yes, this is the first place I checked. The system pops up a message box that says "There are no update sites to search. Do you wish to open the "Available Software Sites" preferences?" When I click on Yes, it opens a new screen predictably called "Available Software Sites" and prompts "type filter text". - I don't know what to provide here. Hitting the (?) icon at the bottom of the screen does nothing - seems there is no associated help text.



This is strange. I just tried 2.1.7 and it's able to update itself. Is it possible that you have a network proxy that blocks WireframeSketcher? In this case you need to configure one under Window > Preferences > General > Network Connections.

If nothing else then you can safely remove your version of WireframeSketcher and download and install the latest one.

Yes, this is strange - this is a new computer, never been on a corporate network, no fancy set-up. Straight through to a cable modem and the Internet. I'm using Trend Micro Internet Security as a firewall, the program asks me if I am willing to allow an app to connect to the Internet - in this case it doesn't ask - don't think the request even gets gets that far.

When the screen called "Available Software Sites" and prompts "type filter text" - what should normally appear there? Is there any help text associated with the screen?

I'm fine to uninstall and reinstall manually, but would rather solve this the right way so I ca have easy access to the new stuff you come up with.


Normally the check for updates is performed automatically on startup. So if there is any security prompt it should pop up then. You should ignore "Available Software Sites" for now. It's an artifact from Eclipse IDE and is used to configure update site addresses. Those that you need for WireframeSketcher should already be there, shown in a table.

If you can send me your log file I can take a look in more details at what's going on. Use Window > Preferences > WireframeSketcher > Report a Bug to do that.
