Innovative cool work. Great Eclipse Plugin. Saved tons of time and able to impress client. Sincere Thanks.

While building wireframe, I have a requirement where I would need to color entire row ( or column contents inside that row like icons, text, etc) inside Table to differntiation each row as per status.

e.g. suppose I have following table ( here CSV due to format constriants, lazy not to upload and to insert image :D )

Sr#, Weather Status, City Name, Weather Details, Weather Trend Graphs

1,{thumbs-up},%(color:green)Atlanta%,%(color:green) MinTemp 77, MaxTemp 94%, {Label}

2,{thumbs-down},%(color:red)Phoenix%,%(color:red) MinTemp 97, MaxTemp 104%, {Label}

As you see, I am using %(color:nameOFcolor)ColumnText% to color textual contents in the column, but other columns especially the icons depicted using {icon-name} could not use this scheme of coloring. Also I could not individually select icon in properties and choose color.

Can you share your ideas to color either entire row with colors or individual icons along with text in each column with colors ?

Also how could I incorporate {Label} in writeup of Table intead of dragging on top of table and like I can incorporate {icon} in table writeup?

Thank you for your kind words!

As an alternative to %(color) tag you can try overlaying a semi-transparent rectangle to highlight a row. Another approach is to use multiple selection highlighting by prepending rows with | (pipe) character. Please let me know how this works for you.

I'll see if I can fix the issue with coloring icons.

For your second question with labels could you make a mockup or screenshot of what you are trying to achieve?

Thanks for reply.

Adding (pre-appending) the row shows grayed selection. I would like to show the color of entire row with different colors like green, yellow or red or lighter blue. Would it be possible ?

Personally I would not like to use semi-transparent label for coloring rows to depict the status as it would cause harm to usability of wireframe sketcher by maintaining each semi-transparent label apart from contents of rows ( & columns ) in the table.

About my second question related to {Label}. I have figured out that I can use {image} to display "graph" like image placeholder.

I'll see how I can make color tag work for icons. This will allow you to color all table cells one by one.

Coloring icons via wiki syntax now works in pre-release version here: