
I've just found that you can create a bullet point list in the Notes widget by adding a - in front of the text.

This is great as -- allows you to indent the bullet point list to a 2nd level etc.

However, How do you get back out of that? e.g.

1st Level.

  • 2nd Level.

    • 3rd Level.
  • 2nd level again.

Text back to the 1st level. (I only seem to be able to get this by leaving a blank line after my list, which I don't always want to do.)

Here's an example of multiple nesting levels:

* 1st level
** 2nd level
*** 3rd level
** 2nd level again

Is this what you are looking for?

Close enough. :)

This way means that the 1st level has a bullet point on it, which I didn't want. I wanted the 2nd, 3rd and any other indented levels having a bullet point, but not the first.

Maybe you could post an image that shows what you mean.

You can also try playing with {bullet} icon. This way you can insert bullets anywhere you need:

{bullet} This is a bullet