This is a stencil for Bootstrap front-end framework by Twitter. Bootstrap is a free collection of tools for creating websites and web applications. It contains HTML and CSS-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, charts, navigation and other interface components, as well as optional JavaScript extensions. Visit Bootstrap website for more information.
This stencil is based on Bootstrap 3. For convenience the stencil is organized into 6 categories: Buttons, Content, Forms, Media, Navigation and Typography. There is an additional Templates category with pre-built Bootstrap templates.
Bootstrap’s global default font-size is 14px, so make sure to set the font size of your screens to this value. This will ensure that forms and other built-in elements work well with this stencil.
Use grid generator to generate Bootstrap grids.
Use Glyphicons stencil to add icons from the Glyphicon Halflings set that is used by Bootstrap. You can also use Font Awesome Icons to add icons from the Font Awesome iconic font that was designed to work with Twitter Bootstrap.
This stencil requires WireframeSketcher 4.2.0 or later.