Hi everyone!
Today’s release improves the color picker, adds support for Eclipse Kepler and brings several improvements and fixes. Read on for more details.
Better color picker
This version adds several improvements to color picker. The tooltip now also displays the HEX color value. You can use Ctrl+C shortcut to copy this value to clipboard. The reverse also works and you can use Ctrl+V shortcut to paste back arbitrary colors. It’s also a quick way to copy a color from one widget to another.

Eclipse 4.3 Kepler support
Eclipse project released Kepler, their next major version, last June. As always we are following their releases closely to make sure that WireframeSketcher supports the latest Eclipse version.
Remote System Explorer (RSE)
This version also improves the way WireframeSketcher loads assets from certain types of projects. This fixes the long standing issue with using exclamation mark (!) character in project and folder names. Another nice side effect of this is that it makes WireframeSketcher play better with Remote System Explorer. RSE is an Eclipse plug-in that allows transparent working on remote computers. More specifically, it lets you work transparently on projects hosted remotely and accessible via SSH, FTP and other protocols.
Most certainly version control systems like Subversion and Git are better suited for team collaboration, but if you are looking for a simpler alternative then check RSE.
Other changes
- Updated Font Awesome stencil to version 3.2.1 which adds 60 new icons
- Added navigation drawer icon to Android Icon set
- Fixed broken Twitter Bootstrap project template
- Fixed the issue with PDF export failing to use certain fonts
- Fixed the issue with exporting transparent TIFF images to PDF
- Fixed the issue with website link not being displayed correctly in preferences
New server
We moved our website to a new server infrastructure. This fixes the annoying networking issue for our users from Austria. This also paves the way to new online collaboration features we are planning to offer in the near future. Stay ready!
If you see any issue with our new server then please let us know.
To update to the latest version of WireframeSketcher use Help > Check for Updates, or just download it from our website.
The version number of this release is 3.9.3.