Hi there. As promised I am working on adding more widgets and improving those that are already in there. The latest version adds new annotation widgets and a few others. Here the annotation widgets in action:

Other new widgets are search field, progress bar and tooltip:

Other changes
- Changed the Palette view to synchronize its state across editors and persist the state across Eclipse sessions. This makes the Palette much more usable. Although the functionality might seem obvious I’ve had to do some serious Eclipse hacking to add it. There might be some issues that I’ve left out so please report anything unusual you see in the Palette’s behavior.
- Made the Copy&Paste action preserve the original position of the widget if the paste is made between two different screens.
- Mouse cursor icons now have a white background so that it’s possible to place them over other elements.
- Changed the Lorem Ipsum widget to allow the modification of its text.
- Fixed the save as Image bug on negative position bug.
What’s next?
I will continue to work on adding more widgets and on improving those that are already in there. If you miss a widget or you’d like to see some new widget property – I’m all ears! Note that the support forum was given some face lift. Don’t hesitate to post your feature requests there so that we can publicly discuss them.
As usual to update to the latest version of WireframeSketcher just use the Eclipse update manager.