Hello everyone!
Today’s release brings full support for HiDPI monitors on Windows, Linux and macOS. Read on for more details.
Full HiDPI support
I’m happy to announce the addition of the long-overdue support for HiDPI monitors. Although partial support for HiDPI was already there for some time, the new version adds full HiDPI support on all platforms: Windows, macOS and Linux.
To achieve this we had to migrate WireframeSketcher to a new version of Eclipse platform: Eclipse 4.7 Oxygen. This upgrade in itself brings various other improvements and bug fixes to WireframeSketcher, including better support for latest OS versions.
To enable HiDPI support we’ve had to redesign most of application icons in order to provide a high-resolution version. So WireframeSketcher now comes with an improved look:

And here what the UI looks like on a HiDPI retina display:

We hope you’ll enjoy this update! Please don’t hesitate to provide your feedback to us.
Known issues
There are still several minor aesthetic issues related to HiDPI that we’ll look into solving in next updates. These issues need to be resolved in the Eclipse platform, and although this is not ideal, we chose not to wait for their resolution and release support for HiDPI as is, since it’s still a net improvement over the previous version. Known HiDPI issues are as following:
- Vertical ruler is not rendered at high-resolution when using View > Show Rulers option – all platforms
- Integrated help accessed with Help > Help Contents has some rendering artifacts – all platforms
- Integrated browser, which is used for Welcome screen and Stencils installation, is not scaled – Linux
- Small controls (tree, check-boxes, radios) in some UI parts – Linux
macOS High Sierra support
Apple has released version 10.13 of macOS on 25th of September 2017. Unfortunately WireframeSketcher has an issue when running under this version of macOS, making it almost unusable. This issue manifests itself as missing text in some components, more specifically in components that use embedded icons wiki syntax.
Here’s a screenshot that shows what the problem looks like for Tree widget:

We’ve tracked down this issue to a low level problem in Eclipse platform that needs to be investigated and fixed. The progress on this issue is tracked as Bug 525465.
Note that this issue is unrelated to our migration to the latest version of Eclipse and all versions of WireframeSketcher are affected by it.
If this issue affects you directly then please take your time to create an Eclipse account and add your vote to Bug 525465, to bring more attention to it.
Our recommendation is, if possible, to stick with macOS 10.12 Sierra until we find a solution for this issue. If you’ve already upgraded, then consider using an older version of macOS in a virtual machine.
Since this version is a large update it won’t be available from the application itself. The recommended way to update is to download the latest version of WireframeSketcher from our website and install it manually.
Windows users should note that this version uses a renewed code-signing certificate issued to WIRESKETCH SRL publisher. Since it’s a recent change, you might see a Windows SmartScreen warning, which you can safely dismiss by clicking More info link and then Run anyway button.
The version number of this release is 5.0.0